Raindrops on Roses and Whiskers on Kittens

Yes, these are a few of my favorite things. You already know my tops in television and movies, but here are another dozen random faves.

Favorite guy: my husband, Phil Hartman. He personifies all twelve parts of the Boy Scout law, plus a few more exemplary characteristics. He likes to build furniture and make jelly and takes good care of his mother. He has an extremely responsible job and works hard so that I am able to stay home and raise our family. He is also the guy you would want by your side in case of a zombie apocalypse.

Other favorite people: my children – Hanna, Laura and Joseph, all three wonderful and unique blessings. Each of them thinks he or she is my favorite, so I must be doing something right.

Favorite authors: first place, Jane Austen for characters and dialog; second place, James Herriott for description; third place, Laura Ingalls Wilder for nostalgia. Honorable mention, Dr. Seuss for whimsy and rhyme.

Favorite color: pink. This is a bit ironic since I don’t like red. At all.

Favorite holiday: Easter – the death and resurrection of Jesus are the bedrock of Christianity. There is less extraneous hoopla than Christmas, and springtime is more pleasant than winter. Plus the music is great, made even more enjoyable following the dismal minor keys of Lent.

Favorite actor: I may have a tiny crush on Mark Harmon but my all-time favorite is Jimmy Stewart.

Favorite teacher: Mrs. White, high school math. She was a tiny woman, impeccably dressed and groomed, and wore Saran Wrap around her white cuffs to protect them from the wax pencils she used to write proofs on the overhead projector. She was extremely intelligent and a good teacher. She retired when my class graduated, so we were fortunate to have her all the way through.

Favorite food: strawberries. No sugar, cream, or shortcake necessary. Just a big bowl of strawberries, all by themselves.

Favorite wine: In general I prefer dry reds such as shiraz or cabernet sauvignon, but in warmer weather I’m partial to white zinfandel.

Favorite gadget: my iPad. Not nearly as bulky as my old iBook and much more versatile. I also really like my hot pink Otter box.

Favorite apps: iCal, Scrabble and of course, The Ten Plagues.

Favorite on-line game: If you don’t know about Cricklers, stop reading right now and go straight here. Best word game ever, and extremely addictive. I contributed to the geography and US president series until life started getting too hectic. Now I admire Michael and Barbara Crick even more for publishing puzzles every day without fail. Unlike web logs, news puzzles can’t be written ahead of time.

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